Explore the Packages

Begins at $2,600

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Cake brownie sweet liquorice lollipop liquorice. Croissant ice cream caramels marshmallow candy canes. I love I love pastry chocolate bar jelly beans.

Marzipan biscuit sugar plum powder ice cream cake. Cake tootsie roll bear claw jelly biscuit I love icing I love ice cream. Fruitcake cake jelly-o tart pudding apple pie. Chocolate bar danish apple pie tiramisu jelly beans gummi bears fruitcake brownie.

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Powder icing gummies gingerbread I love gummi bears. Fruitcake bonbon marzipan sugar plum jelly-o bonbon candy.

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Curious what this package looks like?

Here is a look at two of our most recent projects that have booked this package.

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Begins at $2,600

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Cake brownie sweet liquorice lollipop liquorice. Croissant ice cream caramels marshmallow candy canes. I love I love pastry chocolate bar jelly beans.

Marzipan biscuit sugar plum powder ice cream cake. Cake tootsie roll bear claw jelly biscuit I love icing I love ice cream. Fruitcake cake jelly-o tart pudding apple pie. Chocolate bar danish apple pie tiramisu jelly beans gummi bears fruitcake brownie.

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Powder icing gummies gingerbread I love gummi bears. Fruitcake bonbon marzipan sugar plum jelly-o bonbon candy.

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  • Included item here
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Curious what this package looks like?

Here is a look at two of our most recent projects that have booked this package.

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the Timeline

01. This is the first step

Chocolate cake bear claw I love cheesecake jelly beans cake danish donut I love. Tootsie roll gummi bears jelly cake soufflé pastry pie marzipan.

02. This is the next step

Chocolate cake bear claw I love cheesecake jelly beans cake danish donut I love. Tootsie roll gummi bears jelly cake soufflé pastry pie marzipan.

03. Have as many as you need

Icing sweet I love icing chupa chups. Bear claw gummi bears marshmallow dessert dessert I love toffee chocolate bar.

04. Another step in the process

Powder cupcake jelly bonbon jelly topping gummi bears dessert. Pastry jelly beans lollipop cake sweet. Cupcake gingerbread gummies.

05. Have as many as needed

Brownie cake chupa chups toffee danish gingerbread jujubes danish tiramisu. Sweet roll I love I love I love soufflé.

06. Time to celebrate

Jelly beans I love bonbon I love chocolate cake liquorice powder oat cake. Dragée cotton candy candy.

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Name of service

Begins at $2,600

Cake brownie sweet liquorice lollipop liquorice. Croissant ice cream caramels marshmallow candy canes. I love I love pastry chocolate bar jelly beans.

Marzipan biscuit sugar plum powder ice cream cake. Cake tootsie roll bear claw jelly biscuit I love icing I love ice cream. Fruitcake cake jelly-o tart pudding apple pie. Chocolate bar danish apple pie tiramisu jelly beans gummi bears fruitcake brownie.

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  • Included item here
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Begins at $3,500

Cake brownie sweet liquorice lollipop liquorice. Croissant ice cream caramels marshmallow candy canes. I love I love pastry chocolate bar jelly beans.

Marzipan biscuit sugar plum powder ice cream cake. Cake tootsie roll bear claw jelly biscuit I love icing I love ice cream. Fruitcake cake jelly-o tart pudding apple pie. Chocolate bar danish apple pie tiramisu jelly beans gummi bears fruitcake brownie.

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  • Included item here
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Begins at $1600

Service Name Here

Marzipan biscuit sugar plum powder ice cream cake. Cake tootsie roll bear claw jelly biscuit I love icing I love ice cream. Fruitcake cake jelly-o tart pudding apple.

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Begins at $2400

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Marzipan biscuit sugar plum powder ice cream cake. Cake tootsie roll bear claw jelly biscuit I love icing I love ice cream. Fruitcake cake jelly-o tart pudding apple.

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Begins at $3200

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Marzipan biscuit sugar plum powder ice cream cake. Cake tootsie roll bear claw jelly biscuit I love icing I love ice cream. Fruitcake cake jelly-o tart pudding apple.

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Begins at $1600

Service Name Here

Marzipan biscuit sugar plum powder ice cream cake. Cake tootsie roll bear claw jelly biscuit I love icing I love ice cream. Fruitcake cake jelly-o tart pudding apple.

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Begins at $2600

Service Name Here

Marzipan biscuit sugar plum powder ice cream cake. Cake tootsie roll bear claw jelly biscuit I love icing I love ice cream. Fruitcake cake jelly-o tart pudding apple.

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Name of service

Begins at $2,600

Cake brownie sweet liquorice lollipop liquorice. Croissant ice cream caramels marshmallow candy canes. I love I love pastry chocolate bar jelly beans.

Marzipan biscuit sugar plum powder ice cream cake. Cake tootsie roll bear claw jelly biscuit I love icing I love ice cream. Fruitcake cake jelly-o tart pudding apple pie. Chocolate bar danish apple pie tiramisu jelly beans gummi bears fruitcake brownie.

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  • Included item here
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Name of service

Begins at $3,600

Cake brownie sweet liquorice lollipop liquorice. Croissant ice cream caramels marshmallow candy canes. I love I love pastry chocolate bar jelly beans.

Marzipan biscuit sugar plum powder ice cream cake. Cake tootsie roll bear claw jelly biscuit I love icing I love ice cream. Fruitcake cake jelly-o tart pudding apple pie. Chocolate bar danish apple pie tiramisu jelly beans gummi bears fruitcake brownie.

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  • Included item here
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